Solar heat for homes is not a dream. Increase in energy prices and the global community talks of energy sources such as dry, solar homes are becoming increasingly attractive to consumers. So the idea of heating the house with solar energy. As a result, ways to heat a home with solar energy are becoming more affordable.
Solar heat for homes can be achieved in several ways. It is just on the roof of photovoltaic panels (PV) power generation to keep the furnace is not a matter of. Can be done, but other things also solar heat for homes can be found.
Passive Solar Heat for Homes
Solar passive solar heat to get a home is one of the easiest ways. Collect passive solar heating and external, without mechanical pumping system distributes heat from the sun.
Passive solar heat for homes with the situation is such that full advantage of winter sunlight to warm the interior rooms and walls takes solar home starts. In the northern hemisphere, a solar home offering southern exposure for your main area will be posted. Southern hemisphere, a solar home will be positioned to give its main area Northern exposure.
Passive solar heat for homes is also available through building materials and architectural design. The winter sun exposure, a solar home side should have collected several vertical windows, solar heat. These windows, glazed should be open during the day to allow the entry heat. As the sun goes down, shades and curtains to retain heat should be. Solar home to the summer sun gets low, and small, Windows should be.
A passive solar house brick, concrete, stone, or adobe (mud bricks) that absorb and hold heat during the day of the public convenience, it should slowly release the air cooled. Construction Materials in walls and floors where sunlight will hit them used to be.
Passive solar heat for homes too thick insulation is required. Once the heat large, glazed windows, solar home is entered through the insulation to help hold it there as the air cools. "Risk" towards non-solar side of the main living quarters and the garage put a solar home heat helps.
Active Solar Heat for Homes
Active solar systems for solar heating a house "collectors" that collect solar energy and distribute heat pump consisting of electric fans or collected. Heat is transferred from liquid or air, and not provide heat when the sun is shining can be stored.
Solar wind "collectors" in the air passing through the system will collect solar energy. Air absorb heat from the sun, and solar house transfers. This person works best for heating the room, although some systems with the use of pumps and fans can heat large areas. Solar air collectors for individual room can be placed in an existing window.
Solar liquid "collectors" are more suitable for central heating. These solar water heating systems, as those are the same type of collector. Flat plate collectors, usually on a terrace rising. Each collector water, antifreeze, or any other liquid that will collect solar energy are included. A predetermined time, regulated by a controller, a circulating pump sends the liquid through the roof-top collector. Liquid for immediate use is directed to a heat eXchanger, or later sent to a storage tank for use.
Active solar liquid heat for homes can be sent through pipes under the floor the floor level to maintain an even radiant heat. Radiant floor heating is ideal for liquid solar systems. It does well on relatively low temperatures.
Combination of solar heat for homes
Best solar home will combine passive and active solar energy collection. About 50 percent of passive solar heating can reduce heating bills. Active solar heating your heat 40 to 80 percent depending on the size of your local climate and the system can supply. Put together, and you have a solar home that is comfortable and efficient.
Before the concrete tile floors topped with passive solar heating, an active system that pipes in the floor through the hot water heated by solar home will send are comfortable and warm.;u=5790;u=38582;u=2944;u=130133;u=5794
Friday, May 20, 2011
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